Ready to raise your profile and grow your business?

Multi-award-winning entrepreneur and bestselling author of WIN!, Donna O’Toole is the founder of August Recognition - a top global awards agency.

Named one of the world’s Top 25 Customer Experience Influencers, Donna has helped hundreds of businesses, brands, teams and leaders across the world to create high-impact commercial and cultural results by achieving valuable recognition for their achievements.

Are you ready to raise your profile and grow your business through winning awards with Donna O'Toole?

"Recognition is like rocket fuel: it powers you to reach heights you never believed possible."

Expert business coaching with Donna O'Toole

Whether you are an individual looking for expert awards advice and guidance, or a business seeking a group awards workshop, I can give you all my unique insights, skills and tools to develop award-winning results.

Expert business consultancy with Donna O'Toole

I will empower you to meet all your personal and business goals through the power of awards, as we work together to create your 'Roadmap to Recognition'. I can also help you to launch your new awards programme.

Expert speaker opportunities with Donna O'Toole

Drawing upon my passions, experience, and extensive awards expertise, I will motivate and inspire guests at your upcoming event with engaging stories of how and why recognition can change your life. 

My Journey

I'm an award-winning entrepreneur and bestselling author, as well as being the founder of August Recognition - a global awards agency and part of the Dent Global group, which helps entrepreneurs to stand out, scale up and make a positive impact in the world.

Named one of the world’s Top 25 Customer Experience Influencers and an award-winning national and international awards judge, I've helped hundreds of businesses, brands, entrepreneurs, and leaders across the world to raise their profile by achieving valuable awards and recognition for their achievements. 

Renowned for an outstanding success rate in the most highly regarded awards such as The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, my bestselling book WIN! was launched in 2022 and named: "The missing guide every entrepreneur has been waiting for."

Discover my journey to award-winning entrepreneur and bestselling author

Award-Winning Entrepreneur

My commitment to the awards industry has enabled me to make a positive impact that benefits all.

My book WIN! became an Amazon bestseller in 2022 across mutiple categories of PR & Marketing.

Top 25 CX Influencer

I was voted a global Top 25 Customer Experience Influencer for my achievements in this area.

International Awards Judge

As well as being a regular awards judge, I partner with the leading UK and international awards.